Passing the CKAD exam

No prior work experience with kubernetes

In the world of Kubernetes, prior experience plays a significant role in shaping your understanding and readiness for the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam. While some individuals may have extensive enterprise experience with Kubernetes, others begin their journey in the comfort of their homes, experimenting and honing their skills through hobby projects.

The CKAD certification offers several advantages that make it worthwhile to pursue

The CKAD certification is widely recognized in the industry, enhancing your credibility as a Kubernetes professional. By obtaining the certification, you increase your career prospects and open doors to job opportunities in Kubernetes development and related roles. Kubernetes skills are highly sought after, and the CKAD certification validates your proficiency, making you more marketable. Preparing for the exam expands your knowledge and expertise in Kubernetes, enabling you to excel in real-world projects. Earning the certification fosters personal and professional growth, boosting your confidence and providing networking opportunities within the CKAD community.

In summary, the CKAD certification brings industry recognition, career advancement, increased marketability, expanded expertise, and personal growth.

A Comprehensive Approach to CKAD Preparation

To effectively prepare for the CKAD exam, I adopted a comprehensive learning method that incorporated a combination of resources and practice platforms. This approach allowed me to gain a deep understanding of Kubernetes concepts and sharpen my practical skills. Two key components of my learning method were the A cloud Guru CKAD course and the platform.

The A Cloud Guru CKAD path provided an excellent learning experience with its structured curriculum, multiple sections, and practice exams. The comprehensive content covered all the necessary topics, including Kubernetes architecture, deployments, services, networking, and more. The interactive labs offered hands-on practice, allowing me to apply my knowledge in a real Kubernetes environment.

In addition to A Cloud Guru, I utilized for intensive exam preparation. provided an exam-like environment with practice questions that closely resembled the actual CKAD exam. The challenging nature of the questions helped me push my limits and strive for a higher level of proficiency. The platform enabled me to familiarize myself with the exam format, improve my speed, and refine my problem-solving abilities within the allocated time.

One notable advantage of using was its difficulty level, which exceeded that of the actual CKAD exam. This tougher practice environment served as an excellent training ground, preparing me to handle complex scenarios and ensuring I was well-equipped to tackle any challenge during the actual exam.

Furthermore, purchasing the CKAD exam voucher came with the added benefit of receiving two CKAD vouchers. This valuable offering allowed me to access additional practice opportunities and further solidify my knowledge and skills.

The CKAD Exam: Structure and Expectations

The Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam is a rigorous assessment designed to evaluate an individual's practical skills in working with Kubernetes. It tests the ability to deploy, manage, and troubleshoot applications within a Kubernetes cluster. This section provides an overview of the CKAD exam, including its structure and what is expected from candidates.

The CKAD exam is a hands-on, performance-based assessment conducted in a proctored online environment. The exam duration is two hours, during which candidates are presented with a set of practical tasks to complete. The exam environment provides access to a Kubernetes cluster, where candidates are required to execute commands, write and edit YAML files, and perform various administrative tasks.

Useful Tips for the CKAD Exam

Preparing for the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam not only requires a solid understanding of Kubernetes concepts but also demands efficient time management and familiarity with useful shortcuts and commands. Here are some helpful tips to maximize your performance during the exam:

Start to get to know the docs and only use that for learning and solving problems. In the exam environment you can use the docs and this will be really helpfull if you master the docs searching and finding relevant information.

Instead of typing kubectl everytime we can use an alias k. In the exam environment this is already configured for you.

$ alias k=kubectl


$ k get pods

dry-run for creating yaml template files:
You dont want to type out the yaml files yourself everytime.
For the boiler template you can use --dry-run=client command to create it for you. You could add more parameters if you wanted but for demo purpose I used the image parameter.

# example to print it out in the terminal
$ k run pod --image=nginx:stable --dry-run=client -o yaml

# example for redirecting it to a file
$ k run pod --image=nginx:stable --dry-run=client -o yaml > pod.yaml

# if you dont want to type it out everytime you can make it a variable
$ export do="--dry-run=client -o yaml"
# which will be used like this
$ k run pod --image=nginx:stable $do
$ k run pod --image=nginx:stable $do > pod.yaml

Small tips:

  • Know how to troubleshoot and see errors from pod / container
  • Know how to exec in a pod to run simple commands in SH or BASH
  • Know how cron syntax works for Cronjobs
  • Work with one screen when practicing
  • Use a 15 inch + screen
  • At one point just schedule the exam and see what it will bring. You always have one retake if it does not go as planned.

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